What is this website? I’m creating a digital log of information that has impacted me in many facets of my life. A core value of mine is a commitment to the continuous journey of acquiring new knowledge, skills, and experiences while taking on this adventure of life. I’m not rain man and can’t remember 99% of the content I come across, but this is an experiment I’m attempting to commemorate the various lessons, truths, and stories I’ve learned throughout my existence on this earth, and continue to find as I research, listen, and hypothesize with new findings. I sincerely believe that engaging with the material, having open discussions, and bringing others along for the ride will only result in a more positive association with the content, and a more profound impact. This is not intended to be an opinionated blog, but rather a display of useful tools, mentalities, and approaches to solving problems in our lives. Please join me on this never-ending ride!

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Creating a community of lifelong learners driving positive change in the world and ourselves


We will always have the Freedom to Think. Keep your mind open and find ways to learn through adversity.